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Implant Treatment

İmplant Tedavisi

Dental implants, one of the modern dental applications, are prostheses applied in cases where there is not one or more teeth. Thanks to its application in place of missing teeth, it eliminates functional and aesthetic problems. After implant treatment, also known as root transplantation, teeth can be used for a lifetime. You can have an interview with our dentists for implant application and dental implant prices developed as an alternative to traditional methods, and you can get professional treatment services according to your needs.

What is an Implant?

A dental implant is a titanium-based screw-style substance that is placed in the jawbone and enters the process of merging with the bone within a few months. This screw is referred to as an ”artificial tooth root” and serves to hold the tooth or bridge to be replaced. Although it is the closest treatment to a natural tooth, it does not affect nearby teeth and provides great stability. Screw-less implant treatment also stands out in implant applications that are developing every day. This process is based on the system of placing the implant material, which is not screwed, directly into the opened cavity and eliminates the risk of loosening the prostheses.

The process of Decoupling between the dental implant and the jawbone is called “osseointegration”. Most dental implants are made of titanium, so they can fuse with bone without being recognized as a foreign body in the body. Technology and science have aimed to greatly improve the results of dental implant placement over time. Today, the success rate of dental implants is close to 98 percent.


The Benefits of Dental Implant Application

Implants made instead of missing teeth in dental treatment provide significant advantages compared to other options. At the beginning of these advantages, dental implants made for missing teeth do not affect the teeth next to them. Also, because dental implants are integrated with bone, they can have a similar appearance and feel to natural teeth. Decoupled in more detail, the benefits of dental implant application include;

It provides convenience in chewing and speech, which are one of the basic life functions.
In the treatment of a single missing tooth, it is a practice that does not damage other teeth.
Thanks to special measurements made with zero error, it fits perfectly into the mouth and does not disturb the patient.
In addition to an aesthetic appearance, it offers the possibility of lifetime use with its high success rate.
In addition to its functional benefits, it provides self-confidence to the patient with its complete dental appearance.

How is the Dental Implant Applied?

Dental implants can be used instead of a single tooth, several teeth, or all teeth. Single tooth bridge or full jaw prostheses are made according to the region. The purpose of prostheses in dentistry is to provide function, phonation and aesthetics.

There are usually three options for replacing teeth:

  • Removable dental prostheses (full dental prostheses or partial dental prostheses),
  • Fixed prostheses
  • Implant-supported prostheses.
  • Dental prostheses are a more affordable option for replaced teeth. However, having a removable device in the mouth is the least preferred option because it may disturb the patient. Also, dental prostheses can affect a person’s taste and sensory experience with food.

Before dental implant treatment, dental bridge treatment was a more common restorative option. A disadvantage of bridge treatment is the reduction of abutment teeth. Implants are supported only by bone and do not affect the surrounding natural teeth. Deci-sion between options with different advantages or disadvantages is determined according to many factors. Especially for dental implants, these factors include;

Placement of missing teeth,
The quantity and quality of the jawbone in which the dental implant will be placed,
Patient health,
Patient preference

In Which Cases Is the Implant Not Applied?

In case of tooth loss due to various reasons, it may be necessary to have implants at a young age. However, some criteria must be met in order for the implant to be applied. In addition to these criteria, the situations in which the implant cannot be applied are as follows;

Patients who have not yet completed bone development,
For those with high blood pressure, diabetes and hemophilia,
Patients who have received radiation therapy covering the head and neck areas,
For those with blood clotting problems,
Implants are not applied to patients with heavy smoking habits due to the fact that intraoral wounds delay the healing process.
How should Implant Dental Care Be Performed?
In general, the implanted tooth is no different from other normal teeth. For this reason, the care you apply to your main teeth applies in the same way to the implant tooth. In order to avoid any oral and dental health problems, you should regularly brush and care for your implanted teeth and other normal teeth, and pay attention to flossing in your care routines.

What is the Probability of the Implant Falling Off?
The most commonly researched issue among those who have had dental implants is whether the implant is likely to fall out. Dec. Firstly, in this procedure, which has an extremely high success rate, the probability of implant falling is also low at the same rate. Of course, this situation is directly related to the patient’s use and the quality of the treatment performed. For this reason, although no clear rate is given about the probability of implant falling, we can state that it is extremely low.

Is There an Age Limit?

In implant treatment, there is no upper age limit if the patient’s health condition is favorable. However, the lower age limit is 18. Of course, this limit may fall below the age of 16 – 17 in women and 18 in men on average, provided that the jawbone has completed its development.